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Học viện An ninh nhân dân (T01) trực thuộc Bộ Công an có trách nhiệm đào tạo trình độ chuyên môn, nghiệp vụ và bồi dưỡng phẩm chất đạo đức, nhân cách của người cán bộ An ninh; nghiên cứu khoa học về An ninh nhân dân phục vụ cho yêu cầu phát triển kinh tế - xã hội.

History begin
On June 25, 1946, the Police Training School was established (According to Decree No. 215/ND-P2 of the Ministry of Home Affairs).
Names through the ages:
Police Training School (1946-1949)
Intermediate Police School (1949-1953)
Central Public Security School (1953-1974)
School of Security Officers (1974-1981)
University of People's Security (1981-2001)
Academy of People's Security (2001-present).
The authorities
Academy Office
Organization and staff
Department of Party Affairs and Political Work
Department of Training Management and Advanced Training
Department of Testing and Training Quality Assurance
Student Administration Department
Scientific Research Management Department
International Cooperation Department
Logistics Department
Archives and Library Center
Institute of Security Science
Faculties and subjects:
Political Theory, Social Sciences and Humanities
Department of Psychology
Military - Martial Arts - Sports
Department of Basic Movement 1
Department of Basic Movement 2
Department of Basic Movement 3
Department of Basic Movement 4
Department of Basic Movement 5
Department of Basic Movement 6
Department of Basic Movement 7
Faculty of Law
Foreign language departments
Center for Foreign Languages - Informatics
Vocational training centers
research Center
In 1975, the Second Class Victory Medal;
In 1985, the Second Class Military Merit Medal;
In 1989, the Second Class Independence Medal;
In 1996, the Order of Ho Chi Minh; Military Merit Medal, Second Class;
In 1998, the Labor Medal, First Class of Lao PDR;
In 2001, the title of "Hero of the People's Armed Forces in the Doi Moi period"; Third Class Victory Medal; Third-class Labor Medal;
In 2005, the Order of Friendship of the Lao PDR;
In 2006, Ho Chi Minh Medal (second time);
In 2010, the third-class Labor Medal;
In 2011, Gold Star Medal;
In 2015, the title "Hero of the people's armed forces in the period of resistance war against the US to save the country"
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